High quality and eggz-cellence

Are our top priorities to ensure only the best products for our customers.

We don't just meet the bare minimum for our customers.

Whether they're mom-and-pop shops or huge names in retail and food, we go above and beyond. Plus, we're all about making sure our team works in safe, healthy conditions. 

And when it comes to our animals, we treat them like royalty, following global standards and even pursuing certifications to prove it.

Delighting customers locally with fresh eggs since 1964.

We're known for eggz-cellence, supplying top-quality eggs and liquid egg products to retailers and bakeries across South Africa. Now, we're gearing up to introduce new innovative products and make our mark in the international market.

Our Values

At Gromer, we’re all about ensuring a safe working environment while at the same time doing our bit for mother nature. We have a very soft spot for our crew, our feathered friends, and the planet. Because we believe it's the right thing to do.
How we do it

We're not just talking the talk, we're walking the walk.

We're all about doing things ethically, without cutting corners.

Free to roam

At our farm, our chickens roam free because we believe in giving them the best life possible. That's the life of Gromer free-range hens, and it's why their eggs are also superior.

Happy hens lay better eggs—it's that simple.

We believe in giving our feathered friends the freedom they deserve, and that care shines through in every egg we produce.
Plus, we've got audits to keep us in check, making sure we're on point with how we treat our team, handle food, and run our farms.

It's like a regular check-up to make sure we're doing things the right way because we're all about playing by the rules and doing right by everyone involved.
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